City of Las Vegas RFP for a New Municipal Courthouse

The City of Las Vegas hereby invites qualified firms or individuals (Offerors) to submit written proposals for a new Municipal Courthouse to be located downtown Las Vegas through a public-private partnership where the Offeror acquires the site, builds the Project, meets the Municipal Court’s requirements, stays within the budget, and completes on schedule for lease back to the City/Municipal Court for a period not to exceed twenty five years with an option to purchase after three years for a pre-established price.

The RFP can be accessed through the Nevada Government E Marketplace website at the link below. You will need to register in order to have full access to this and all other Bids/RFPs advertised by all of the Nevada Government entities.

Bid Opportunity Information:
Bid Number: 170083-SK
Bid Title: Municipal Courthouse
Issue Date: 11/23/2016 03:00:33 PM (PT)
Close Date: 1/12/2017 01:30:00 PM (PT)

If you have any questions, please contact:

Steve Kessler | Contracts Specialist
Purchasing & Contracts
495 S. Main St. Las Vegas, NV 89101
702-229-1827 phone | 702-464-5771 fax
