Community Service Committee Update – July

Who wants to get dirty for a great cause?! Last month we kicked off the NAIOP project to renovate four cottages at St. Jude’s Ranch for Children and we’re receiving great feedback from the membership. If you haven’t donated yet, now is the time to make your mark.

There are three ways to help: DONATE MATERIALS, DONATE MONEY & VOLUNTEER.  Click here for details. We are gaining momentum, but there is a long way to go to kick off the first phase of the project. Thank you for supporting this great cause! Watch for email blasts with our progress!

Don’t forget to clean out your closet this month! We’re collecting gently used business attired & ties and putting them to good use.  We’re donating everything to Communities In Schools who will assist underprivileged teens in need of business clothes get dressed for success! Bring your donations to this July 19th Breakfast meeting or contact me to schedule a pick up.

Community Service Committee Chair
702-270-6600 ||