Member Highlight – Shavawn Loverude

Name: Shavawn Loverude
Title: Landscape Architect
Company: EPG Design
# of years in Industry: 13

1. Where are you originally from and how long have you lived in Las Vegas?  I was born in Nebraska but I have been in Las Vegas most of my life.

2. What has NAIOP provided that has helped you grow professionally or personally?  NAIOP has provided connections to people in other industries that I wouldn’t normally have. Though I have only been a member for a short time, I can tell that I will meet some great new friends as I become more involved with this community.

3. What has been your favorite experience or story that happened at a NAIOP event? Honestly, my favorite experience just happened earlier this month at my first membership committee meeting. I didn’t know a single person in there, yet everyone was so welcoming and friendly.

4. Who have you met at a NAIOP event that has influenced you or that you have become close friends with?  I have been attending the NAIOP breakfasts off and on for a while, but after chatting with Chris Teachman and Sabrina Borghoff, they really helped push the decision to become a full member. It seems that every month I find someone so friendly to chat with.

5. What do you want your legacy to be in the Southern Nevada Community?  What a question!! As a new mom, my perspective has changed on everything including professionally. I would like my legacy as a landscape architect and a mom to create fun, sustainable, creative spaces for people of all ages to enjoy and learn in.

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