
Member Highlight – Kris Fisher

Name: Kris Fisher
Title: Western Division Business Development Manager
Company: Universal Engineering Sciences
# years in the industry: 1 1/2

Where are you originally from and how long have you lived in Las Vegas.  I’m originally from Orange County, CA. I came to Las Vegas in August of 1998 to go to school and play football at UNLV.

What has NAIOP provided you that has helped you grow professionally or personally?  I have met plenty of wonderful people that are truly passionate about the growth and sustainability of our Las Vegas community, and I’m very grateful for that.

What has been your favorite experience or story that happened at NAIOP event?  I think the topics at the monthly breakfasts are fantastic! The panelists are generally very influential members in their categories and I’ve really come away from there with a lot of useful information.

Who have you met at a NAIOP event that has influenced you or that you have become close friends with? I have met a lot of great people at these events but one in particular stands out, Mr. Tito Tiberti. His family legacy is well known in this community and it has been great to talk to him about the history of Las Vegas and some of the significant events that have helped change the course of the city, as well as just getting to know him better.

What do you want your legacy to be in the Southern Nevada community? Having raised children here, I’d love to be able to look back and know that my company had a lasting impact on the tremendous growth and transformation of Las Vegas from a small city in the desert, to a major metropolis on the West Coast.