Name: Shawn Sennett
Title: Sr. Strategic Account Consultant
Company: Orbis Solutions
# years in the industry: 15
Where are you originally from and how long have you lived in Las Vegas:
I’m originally from San Pedro, California. I’ve moved to Las Vegas twice; for the first time in 1992 and the final time in 2010.
What has NAIOP provided you that has helped you grow professionally or personally? NAIOP has helped me grow my professional network, and through committee commitments, new friendships.
What has been your favorite experience or story that happened at NAIOP event?
Owen Sherwood was getting the new member networking event started. It was quite noisy, I asked if he wanted me to whistle, he said sure, so when I did, John Menist actually jumped. John and I are on the membership committee together and we laughed about it when we saw each other.
Who have you met at a NAIOP event that has influenced you or that you have become close friends with? I am new to NAIOP, but there are some good friendships forming.
What do you want your legacy to be in the Southern Nevada community?
Trust, honesty, and integrity. I strive to be a person that people can turn to in a time of need.