President’s Message – January 2021

I hope you had a safe and enjoyable holiday season. The year 2021 is here, and though we all hoped the circumstances would be different, we’re not yet able to enjoy the benefits of NAIOP like we once did.  However, we are now embarking on a new adventure.  In 2021, our focus as NAIOP Southern Nevada is going to be on understanding and meeting the needs of our members and President’s Circle Sponsors (PCS).  A need for many of our members is to consistently have relevant and informative content at our breakfast meetings and education events. Our Programs Committee and Education Committee have been hard at work planning January events:  a Virtual Breakfast Program (a discussion with developers), and our Virtual Member’s Only Education Event (a legislative preview).

The pandemic caused us to reach out to many of the President’s Circle Sponsors to understand the needs NAIOP Southern Nevada can meet for them during these times. As a result, we will be taking a new approach in 2021. For this year, the Membership Committee and the Sponsorship Committee will be separated. The Membership Committee will continue their efforts as they have always done and the focus of the newly formed Sponsorship Committee will be on addressing the concerns that our President’s Circle Sponsors have shared with us. By understanding and meeting the needs of our members and sponsors, we are confident that the entire organization will become stronger. We are looking forward to the opportunities that 2021 will bring.

David Strickland
Thomas & Mack Development Group
NAIOP Southern Nevada President