Community Service Update – January 2023

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! This holiday season, the NAIOP Community Service Committee has given back in HUGE ways.

In October, the committee and membership collected food, paper goods, and monetary donations to support Helping Hands of Vegas Valley. This year, donations weighed in at over 700 pounds! Helping Hands has a need for donations and volunteers year-round to assist in the continued support of our community. If NAIOP members are interested in signing up for additional events, check out their website to see ways you can get involved.

Throughout the month of November, the committee partnered with Communities in Schools and Vegas Youth Ambassadors for the 10th annual Thanksgiving Family Meal Collection and Delivery. This year, the group supplied 30 families with a large turkey, and all the fixings for a Thanksgiving meal. Through the immense generosity of our committee and members, we were able to supplement each family’s pantries with goods to last the entire holiday season and a grocery gift card to purchase perishable goods. Thank you to all who assisted in this year’s collection and delivery!

Wrapping up the end of the year, our committee partnered with Catholic Workers to assemble and distribute 150 care packages at their daily homeless meal service. The care packages were full of hygiene products, snacks, gloves, blankets and more. The look on the communities faces that morning as we passed out the care packages filled us all with so much gratitude. Next, the committee partnered with Children’s Foundation of Las Vegas (formerly CASA Foundation) for their annual toy drive. The committee and membership showed SO much support for this event… it was incredible. Collectively, the group raised $10,200.00 in checks, $1,540.00 in gift cards and additional gifts totaling approximately $5,600.00. WOW!!

All these community efforts would not be possible without the support of the membership, individuals, and companies. We are so thankful to each and every one of you, and can’t wait to continue serving the community with you all in 2023.

We are always looking for new members to join the committee! Contact any committee member for more information.

 -Lauren Willmore and Megan McInerney