President’s Quarterly Report – August 2016
Dear Members,
Summer is upon us and I’m sure everyone is juggling a heavy workload with summer vacations and kids out of school. NAIOP continues to plan and provide great programs so I hope that everyone can make the time to take advantage. We have had great turnout at our monthly breakfast/lunch meetings which featured great topics such as the solar energy, medical marijuana industries, and advanced manufacturing industries. In addition, our education series, “Three Lawyers Walk Into a Bar…” has been a hit!
My goal for NAIOP in 2016 was to make some changes to our organization’s structure to provide for our long term success. These included creating a pathway for new talent to take on leadership roles, fostering collaboration with UNLV, and improving diversity in our organization and industry.
I’m pleased to announce that the Board has worked hard to implement these initiatives. We assembled a task force of past presidents and industry leaders to review our structure and make recommendations on how best to address the first item. The task force made several recommendations and the Board voted to adopt a key measure. Later this year, we will vote in a new bylaw that will impose term limits on Board membership. Board members will be limited to three 2 year terms. In addition, we are imposing more structure on our election committee and nomination process. These two measures will ensure that we have a good mix of institutional knowledge and fresh perspective on our board and will provide opportunities for new leaders to emerge.
The Election Committee is led by the President Elect and is made up of two past presidents and two members at large. I would encourage anyone that is interested in joining our board to complete the nomination application as soon as possible. Click here for the application.
We have also had good success with the UNLV and Diversity initiatives. Matt Hoyt, our Membership Chair, has done a great job in recruiting new student members and we now have a seat on the UNLV Lied Institute Advisory Council. We have also made good progress in collaborating with the Chambers of Commerce and put on a Commercial Real Estate panel for the Asian Chamber of Commerce in July.
Hope everyone is having a great summer and I look forward to seeing you soon!
Mike Shohet